Resultados: 8

Attitudes and perceptions about ageism among nursing students: a scoping review

Objective: to map scientific knowledge on nursing students' attitudes and perceptions regarding ageism. Method: scoping review according to the recommendations of the Joanna Briggs Institute. The study question was: What are scientific evidence available on the attitudes and perceptions of nursing stude...

Impacto de mídias sociais digitais na percepção de solidão e no isolamento social em idosos

Resumo Objetivo: sintetizar o conhecimento disponível sobre o impacto de mídias sociais na percepção de solidão e/ou no isolamento social em idosos. Método: revisão integrativa da literatura com estudos primários publicados na íntegra, em português, inglês e espanhol, entre setembro de 201...

Adherence to safety barriers in medication administration: patients' perception

Objective: to analyze the perception of patients about health professionals' adherence to safety barriers in medication administration. Method: cross-sectional and correlational study carried out in a hospital in the countryside of São Paulo, with a total of 249 adult patients admitted to the medical c...

Perception of musculoskeletal pain in the state of confinement: associated factors

Objective: to describe the perception of musculoskeletal pain in the population and how the state of confinement (adopted as a measure to control contagion by COVID-19) has interfered with it, as well as identifying the sociodemographic, occupational, physical, and psychosocial factors involved. Method:...

Family resilience: perception of family members of psychoactive substance dependents

Objective: to understand the perception of family members of psychoactive substance dependents on the elements of the functioning of their family in family resilience. Method: a qualitative approach study, based on the theoretical interpretive framework of family resilience from a systemic perspective. ...

The care for the persistent family aggressor in the perception of nursing students

Objective: to analyze the perception of nursing students about the care given to the persistent family aggressor. Method: a descriptive study, with a qualitative approach. Madeleine Leininger's Theory of Diversity and Universality of Care was used as a theoretical reference. The data collection took p...

The ethical dimension of problems faced in general medicine: relationship with moral sensitivity

Objective: to identify the main ethical problems and how these relate to the moral sensitivity of nurses working in a general medicine ward. Method: this qualitative, exploratory, and descriptive study was conducted in a university hospital located in the south of Brazil. A total of 18 nurses working in...

Primary Health Care and the Third Sector in the face of violence between intimate adolescent partners

Objective: to identify and analyze the perceptions and practices of health professionals and of the third sector regarding adolescence and violence between intimate adolescent partners. Method: an exploratory and descriptive study. Data was collected in two sessions of a Critical-Emancipatory Work Wor...